About “Ha Kalon Humas”

Thanks for visiting my blog!  In this blog I intend to write and interact about various questions of theology and life. One the reasons that I’ve begun my blog is to provide a space for responses to popular Roman Catholic apologetics, but I intend on writing more broadly than this, though in a plodding and measured way (I am a Presbyterian after all). My current life situations prohibits me from writing frequently, like many other blogs, but in the foreseeable future I plan on taking more time and composing “substantive” essays which will be longer than most general blog posts. Perhaps at a later time I will take up blogging in its more day-to-day forms.

As for information about the author, I’m a graduate of Westminster Seminary California and Providence Christian College. While my desire is to eventually end up in full time ministry I am currently serving in the corporate world completed my M.B.A from Cal State University Northridge in the Fall of 2015. I am also a licentiate in the PCA (Presbyterian Church in America) and preach occasionally at churches in Southern California (Preaching Dates and Locations).

I grew up in South Bend, Indiana as a Baptist, was tolerated in my Calvinistic cage stage at Michiana Covenant (PCA), and have continued to mature at Pacific Crossroads Church (PCA) since moving to California. These churches have instilled in me the value of humility and patience, even though I often am more quick-tempered than I ought to be. My expectations of those who comment are that they follow these virtues when discussing matters on the blog.

As for the blog’s name, it comes from the passage in 1 Thessalonians 5:24 wherein Paul reminds us that it is God who is faithful. Imperfection, error, and sin plague my life, but the Gospel provides hope that even in my weakness, God remains faithful. This passage is a comfort to me that my reasoning may be faulty and my academic pursuits fruitless but my hope resides in God’s faithfulness.  With that confidence then, I hope to express my opinions charitably and boldly. I appreciate you taking the time to consider them.

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